- class Electrons(*, process_grid, lattice, ions, symmetries, checkpoint_in=(None, ''), k_mesh=None, k_path=None, spin_polarized=False, spinorial=False, fillings=None, basis=None, xc=None, fixed_H='', save_wavefunction=True, lcao=None, davidson=None, chefsi=None, scf=None)
Electronic subsystem
- Parameters:
process_grid (ProcessGrid)
lattice (Lattice)
ions (Ions)
symmetries (Symmetries)
checkpoint_in (CheckpointPath)
k_mesh (Optional[Union[dict, Kmesh]])
k_path (Optional[Union[dict, Kpath]])
spin_polarized (bool)
spinorial (bool)
fillings (Fillings)
basis (Basis)
xc (XC)
fixed_H (str)
save_wavefunction (bool)
lcao (LCAO | None)
davidson (Optional[Union[dict, Davidson]])
chefsi (Optional[Union[dict, CheFSI]])
scf (SCF)
- __init__(*, process_grid, lattice, ions, symmetries, checkpoint_in=(None, ''), k_mesh=None, k_path=None, spin_polarized=False, spinorial=False, fillings=None, basis=None, xc=None, fixed_H='', save_wavefunction=True, lcao=None, davidson=None, chefsi=None, scf=None)
Initialize from components and/or dictionary of options.
- Parameters:
lattice (Lattice) – Lattice (unit cell) to associate with electronic wave functions
ions (Ions) – Ionic system interacting with the electrons
symmetries (Symmetries) – Symmetries for k-point reduction and density symmetrization
k_mesh (dict | Kmesh | None) – [Input file] Uniform k-point mesh for Brillouin-zone integration. Specify only one of k_mesh or k_path.
k_path (dict | Kpath | None) – [Input file] Path of k-points through Brillouin zone. (Usually for band structure calculations.) Specify only one of k_mesh or k_path.
spin_polarized (bool) – [Input file] Whether system has spin polarization / magnetization. (True if system breaks time reversal symmetry, else False.) Spin polarization is treated explicitly with two sets of orbitals for up and down spins if spinorial = False, and implicitly by each orbital being spinorial if spinorial = True.
spinorial (bool) – [Input file] Whether to perform relativistic / spin-orbit calculations. If True, calculations will use 2-component spinorial wavefunctions.
fillings (dict | Fillings | None) – [Input file] Electron occupations and charge / magnetization control.
basis (dict | Basis | None) – [Input file] Wavefunction basis set (plane waves).
xc (dict | XC | None) – [Input file] Exchange-correlation functional.
fixed_H (str) – [Input file] Fix Hamiltonian from checkpoint file of this name. This is useful for band structure calculations along high-symmetry k-point paths, or for converging large numners of empty states. Default: don’t fix Hamiltonian i.e. self-consistent calculation.
save_wavefunction (bool) – [Input file] Whether to save wavefunction in checkpoint. Saving the wavefunction is useful for full post-processing capability directly from the checkpoint, at the expense of much larger checkpoint file. If False, calculations can still use the converged density / potential to resume calculations, but require an initial non-self-consistent calculation. Default: True.
lcao (dict | bool | LCAO | None) – [Input file] Linear combination of atomic orbitals parameters. Set to False to disable and to start with bandwidth-limited random numbers instead. (If starting from a checkpoint with wavefunctions, this option has no effect.)
davidson (dict | Davidson | None) – [Input file] Davidson diagonalization of Kohm-Sham Hamiltonian. Specify only one of davidson or chefsi.
chefsi (dict | CheFSI | None) – [Input file] CheFSI diagonalization of Kohm-Sham Hamiltonian. Uses the Chebyshev Filter Subspace Iteration (CheFSI) method, which can be advantageous for large number of bands being computed in parallel over a large number of processes. Specify only one of davidson or chefsi.
scf (dict | SCF | None) – [Input file] Self-consistent field (SCF) iteration parameters.
process_grid (ProcessGrid)
checkpoint_in (CheckpointPath)
- Return type:
Initialize from components and/or dictionary of options.
Accumulate geometry gradient contributions of electronic energy.
Construct child object self.`attr_name` of type cls.
Invoke add_child on one of several child options in args.
Apply electronic Hamiltonian on wavefunction C
Load density/potential from checkpoint for fixed-H calculation
Initialize wavefunctions to LCAO / random (if not from checkpoint).
Run any actions specified in the input.
Save self and all children in hierarchy to cp_path.
Update electronic system to current wavefunctions and eigenvalues.
Update electron density from wavefunctions and fillings.
Update density-dependent energy terms and electron potential.
Number of electron density / magnetization components in n.
Whether full-basis projectors are necessary.
Overall electronic communicator (k-points and bands/basis)
Set of kpoints (mesh or path)
Whether calculation is spin-polarized
Whether calculation is relativistic / spinorial
Number of spin channels
Number of spinor components
Spin weight (degeneracy factor)
Occupation factor / smearing scheme
Plane-wave basis for wavefunctions
Exchange-correlation functional
Hamiltonian diagonalization method
Self-consistent field method
Electronic wavefunctions
If given, fix Hamiltonian to checkpoint file of this name
Whether to save wavefunction in checkpoint
If present, use LCAO initialization
Electronic orbital eigenvalues
Estimate of accuracy of current eig
Electron density (and magnetization, if spin_polarized)
KE density (only for meta-GGAs)
Names of attributes with child objects.
Version of children having variants (if any)
- accumulate_geometry_grad(system)
Accumulate geometry gradient contributions of electronic energy. Each contribution is accumulated to a grad attribute, only if the corresponding requires_grad is enabled. Force contributions are accumulated to system.ions.positions.grad. Stress contributions are accumulated to system.lattice.grad. Gradients with respect to ionic scalar fields are accumulated to system.ions.Vloc_tilde.grad and system.ions.n_core_tilde.grad.
- Parameters:
system (System)
- Return type:
- hamiltonian(C)
Apply electronic Hamiltonian on wavefunction C
- Parameters:
self (Electrons)
C (Wavefunction)
- Return type:
- initialize_fixed_hamiltonian(system)
Load density/potential from checkpoint for fixed-H calculation
- Parameters:
system (System)
- Return type:
- initialize_wavefunctions(system)
Initialize wavefunctions to LCAO / random (if not from checkpoint). (This needs to happen after ions have been updated in order to get atomic orbitals, which in turn depends on electrons.__init__ being completed; hence this is outside the __init__.)
- Parameters:
system (System)
- Return type:
- update(system, requires_grad=True)
Update electronic system to current wavefunctions and eigenvalues. This updates occupations, density, potential and electronic energy. If requires_grad is False, only compute the energy (skip the potentials).
- Parameters:
system (System)
requires_grad (bool)
- Return type:
- update_density(system)
Update electron density from wavefunctions and fillings. Result is in system grid in reciprocal space.
- Parameters:
system (System)
- Return type:
- update_potential(system, requires_grad=True)
Update density-dependent energy terms and electron potential. If requires_grad is False, only compute the energy (skip the potentials).
- Parameters:
system (System)
requires_grad (bool)
- Return type:
- C: Wavefunction
Electronic wavefunctions
- comm: Comm
Overall electronic communicator (k-points and bands/basis)
- deig_max: float
Estimate of accuracy of current eig
- eig: Tensor
Electronic orbital eigenvalues
- fixed_H: str
If given, fix Hamiltonian to checkpoint file of this name
- property n_densities: int
Number of electron density / magnetization components in n.
- n_spinor: int
Number of spinor components
- n_spins: int
Number of spin channels
- property need_full_projectors: bool
Whether full-basis projectors are necessary.
- save_wavefunction: bool
Whether to save wavefunction in checkpoint
- spin_polarized: bool
Whether calculation is spin-polarized
- spinorial: bool
Whether calculation is relativistic / spinorial
- w_spin: float
Spin weight (degeneracy factor)